Tritonic Double Neck Electric Guitar (aka “The Giraffe”)

This current guitar build is a “Double” neck electric guitar consisting of a 12 string and 6 string configuration.  This guitar will utilize P-90 pickups with a 3 way switch.  Also, a toggle to select either neck for play.  The body is made from Alder, so this guitar will be fairly light-weight.  This guitar will be painted with gold sparkle and clear glossy Crystalac finish.

I just finished the paint and clear on the guitar, looked at it and realized I just don’t like it.  So, I stripped it all down to wood. (what a pain in the neck.  Literally) and have decided to stain the wood blood red with finish.  It’ll go better with the chrome and cream pickups.  BIG DIFFERENCE FROM THE GOLD SPARKLE!

Below shows the latest update with the guitar body stained red and 1st coats of clearcoat (Crystalac.)